教學歷程檔 Teaching Portfolio (tPo) 是每位教師在其教學生涯的記錄與思考平台,除了自動匯入教師的基本資料、教學課程、學生評鑑外、也可主動記錄其教學理念、規劃、思考等文字,作為增進教學的根本基石。請點選左側的『登入歷程檔』並驗證您的臺大帳號與密碼之後,即可進入專屬 tPo 編修網頁。
Teaching portfolio (tPo) is the basic documentation and reflection platform for every teacher in her/his academic career.
This platform automatically imports your basic information, teaching courses, student evaluations in NTU.
In addition, you can post paragraphs describing your teaching philosophy, teaching improving plan, and reflections on teaching.
All these materials could provide a basic foundation to improve your teaching. Please click the “Log-in and start” button on the left.
After checking your user name and password in this University, you can see your personal tPo and start to edit the pages.